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Volume 21 Issue 9, September 2024

Enhancing lamella preparation for cryo-ET with serial lift-out

Artistic representation of the sectioning step in a focused ion beam-based sample preparation technique, Serial Lift-Out. A block of vitreously frozen biological material (here, a C. elegans L1 larva embedded in buffer) is attached to a micromanipulator needle and transferred to a rectangular-mesh copper electron microscopy grid to be serially sectioned.

See Article

Image: Jürgen M. Plitzko. Cover design: Thomas Phillips


  • All life sciences research is potentially subject to ethical considerations. Institutions should support collaborations with professional ethicists and philosophers to help life scientists navigate ethical crossroads.



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This Month

  • Early-career scientists shared some of their plans, hopes and dreams about being a principal investigator at the 2024 annual meeting of the International Society for Stem Cell Research.

    • Vivien Marx
    This Month
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  • Scientific breakthroughs can change how we understand and live in the world, disrupting long-held assumptions and concepts and raising new questions for philosophy and science. To address these challenges, we describe a model for collaboration of scientists with philosophers and ethicists, and its benefits to the research process and outcomes.

    • Jeantine E. Lunshof
    • Julia Rijssenbeek
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Research Highlights

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Technology Feature

  • The global imaging community is pursuing innovative approaches to achieve more equitable access to instruments and expertise.

    • Caroline Seydel


    Technology Feature
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News & Views

  • The capability of high-resolution in situ imaging by electron cryo-tomography (cryo-ET) has now been expanded to large multicellular tissues by newly developed workflows involving lift-out and serial sectioning using focused ion beam milling under cryogenic conditions.

    • Zhexin Wang
    • Tanmay A. M. Bharat
    News & Views
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Research Briefings

  • We demonstrate CRISPRdelight, a robust CRISPR–Cas12a-based method for imaging non-repetitive genomic DNAs in a highly efficient way. This system is a powerful tool for studying functional links between gene dynamics, localization and regulation, and reveals heterogeneity in the expression of differently localized alleles in the same cells.

    Research Briefing
  • SpatialGlue is a tool designed to decipher spatial domains from spatial multi-omics data acquired from a single tissue section. It employes graph neural networks with a dual-attention mechanism to accomplish within-omics integration of measured features and spatial information, followed by cross-omics integration.

    Research Briefing
  • Single-cell bisulfite sequencing enables the genome-wide quantification of DNA methylation at single-cell resolution, but methods to analyze the resulting data are lacking. The MethSCAn software accurately distinguishes cell types and states by scanning the genome for informative regions and providing a robust approach to quantifying methylation within these regions.

    Research Briefing
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  • This Perspective discusses the integration of small-scale datasets with each other or with larger reference atlases, particularly in the context of single-cell approaches.

    • Kevin G. Johnston
    • Steven F. Grieco
    • Xiangmin Xu
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Brief Communications

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  • This work highlights the technical issues in previous approaches and introduces a preprocessing approach along with a software package, MethSCAn, for single-cell bisulfite sequencing data analysis.

    • Lukas P. M. Kremer
    • Martina M. Braun
    • Simon Anders
    Article Open Access
  • SwitchSeeker combines computational and experimental techniques to identify functional RNA structural switches. Applied to the human transcriptome, it identified a novel RNA switch in the 3ʹUTR of RORC, linked to nonsense-mediated decay.

    • Matvei Khoroshkin
    • Daniel Asarnow
    • Hani Goodarzi
    Article Open Access
  • SpatialGlue is a graph neural network-based approach for integrating multimodal spatial omics data. Combining complementary data modalities improves the discovery of spatial domains as well as the identification of cell subpopulations across tissues.

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    • Kok Siong Ang
    • Jinmiao Chen
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  • DeepPBS is a deep-learning model designed to predict the binding specificity of protein–DNA interactions using physicochemical and geometric contexts. DeepPBS functions across protein families and on experimentally determined as well as predicted protein–DNA complex structures.

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    • Jinsen Li
    • Remo Rohs
    Article Open Access
  • Serial Lift-Out creates a series of lamellae from one lift-out volume for cryo-ET, increasing the ease and throughput of cryo-lift-out and enabling the study of molecular anatomy in multicellular systems including C. elegans larvae.

    • Oda Helene Schiøtz
    • Christoph J. O. Kaiser
    • Jürgen M. Plitzko
    Article Open Access
  • Super-resolution imaging of reference and target structures enables precise determination of the labeling efficiency of high-affinity binding proteins in cells for improved quantitative assessment of protein organization at the single-molecule level.

    • Joschka Hellmeier
    • Sebastian Strauss
    • Ralf Jungmann
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  • Bayesian nonparametric Track (BNP-Track) simultaneously determines emitter numbers and their tracks alongside uncertainty, extending the superresolution paradigm from static samples to single-particle tracking even in dense environments.

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    • Lance W. Q. Xu
    • Steve Pressé
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  • CaST is a Ca2+-activated version of split-TurboID. The tool allows labeling active neurons quickly, simply by administration of exogenous biotin, thus enabling the study of behaviors that would be impaired by hardware required for the use of other, light-dependent tools.

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    • Maribel Anguiano
    • Christina K. Kim
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  • Onavg is a surface template of the human cortex. In contrast to existing templates, the cortical surface is uniformly sampled, which has advantages in numerous applications.

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    • Guo Jiahui
    • James V. Haxby
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  • This analysis presents a systematic comparison of 11 sequencing-based spatial transcriptomics methods using well-characterized references, which offers insights into performance variations in spatial transcriptomic techniques.

    • Yue You
    • Yuting Fu
    • Luyi Tian
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  • The dyes chosen for DNA-PAINT microscopy are pivotal for data quality. This Analysis shows a comprehensive comparison of 18 fluorescent dyes in DNA-PAINT and offers guidance for optimum dye selection in single-color and multiplexed imaging.

    • Philipp R. Steen
    • Eduard M. Unterauer
    • Ralf Jungmann
    Analysis Open Access
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