abstract image conveying "AI"

Read the August issue

Focus on advanced AI in biology


  • fluorescent embryos

    Methods for modeling development is our Method of the Year 2023, for the remarkable insights that recent methodological advances have enabled in our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of human embryogenesis.

  • Conference banner

    Advances in electron microscopy have spurred progress in the physical and life sciences. The 3rd Frontiers in Electron Microscopy for Physical and Life Sciences will bring together researchers working on cutting-edge electron microscopy technologies, with an emphasis on identifying and addressing new challenges, promoting synergies and developing the next generation of instruments and tools.

  • a plant and a keyboard

    We are looking to expand our journal scope to include more ecology papers, particularly those describing methods for quantitative analysis of ecological and evolutionary data. Published papers will be added to this Collection.

    Open for submissions

Nature Methods is a Transformative Journal; authors can publish using the traditional publishing route OR via immediate gold Open Access.

Our Open Access option complies with funder and institutional requirements.


Conceptual illustration of AI

Focus on advanced AI in biology

Advanced artificial intelligence (AI)-based methods are having a transformative impact on biological research.


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