Commentary in 2009

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  • Virtual worlds such as Second Life have been perceived as a social meeting point for a small following of devotees. A number of serious emerging mainstream applications may fundamentally alter this perception.

    • Tim Jones
  • Although it is tempting to compare organic semiconductors with their inorganic counterparts, the spin-injection and spin-transport properties are fundamentally different. The challenges in understanding and improving such properties make organic spintronics an exciting field in its own right.

    • Greg Szulczewski
    • Stefano Sanvito
    • Michael Coey
  • To counter the decreasing interest in scientific studies, the PhysiScope at the University of Geneva conveys scientific excitement to teenagers by offering an entertaining and practical way to discover physics.

    • Christoph Renner
  • Despite recent advances, thermoelectric energy conversion will never be as efficient as steam engines. That means thermoelectrics will remain limited to applications served poorly or not at all by existing technology. Bad news for thermoelectricians, but the climate crisis requires that we face bad news head on.

    • Cronin B. Vining