Perspectives in 2021

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  • The T helper subset paradigm has been instrumental in informing our understanding of T cell diversity; however, modern single-cell analyses have revealed the limits of the concept. In their Perspective, Becher and colleagues propose an alternative framework in which to understand T helper diversity, based not on transcription factors and cytokines but rather physiological functionality.

    • Selma Tuzlak
    • Anne S. Dejean
    • Burkhard Becher
  • Animal models provide invaluable insights into the functioning of the immune system; however, they have their limitations. In a Perspective, Andrea Graham argues that using a more naturalized biotic and abiotic setting can help capture a more accurate picture of the immune system.

    • Andrea L. Graham
  • Based on the results of recent studies that have dissected the response of individual macrophage subsets to pulmonary insults, Guilliams and Svedberg call for an adjustment of the macrophage plasticity concept.

    • Martin Guilliams
    • Freya R. Svedberg