A work in progress

A spending bill enacted on 17 November includes 2012 budget allocations (millions US dollars) for several key federal science agencies. Still to come are final numbers for the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency, among others.

Agency 2010 actual 2011 estimated 2012 requested 2012 enacted
NASA 18,725 18,448 18,724 17,800
National Science Foundation 6,873 6,860 7,768 7,033
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 4,853 4,588 5,498 4,894
Food and Drug Administration 2,362 2,447 2,744 2,497
National Institute of Standards and Technology 863 750 1,004 751

Source: White House Office of Management and Budget; American Association for the Advancement of Science; FDA; US Senate Committee on Appropriations.

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