Analyses in 2016

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  • Further global deployment of wind energy, both onshore and offshore, will depend on its future costs. Wiser et al. report the results of a survey of 163 leading experts on the possibilities of cost reduction and technological advancements by 2050.

    • Ryan Wiser
    • Karen Jenni
    • Aaron Smith
  • Several factors, such as wind power curtailment and quality of turbines, cause a reduced capacity of wind energy production in China compared with the US. The authors quantify the relative weight that these factors have in limiting the wind power output in China, and provide policy recommendations.

    • Xi Lu
    • Michael B. McElroy
    • Haikun Wang
  • Alternative fuel technologies are crucial to decarbonize transport, but attention has shifted among options over time. This study presents an analysis of media, innovation and funding data for these different options and recommends actions to help move beyond hype to support technology adoption.

    • Noel Melton
    • Jonn Axsen
    • Daniel Sperling