Review Articles in 2011

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  • Global marine fisheries research shows how climate change is likely to impact the economics of world fisheries by affecting primary productivity, distribution and the potential yield of exploited species. Despite the gaps in understanding climate change effects on fisheries, the available information highlights the need for mitigation and adapation policies to minimize impacts.

    • U. Rashid Sumaila
    • William W. L. Cheung
    • Samuel Herrick
    Review Article
  • The processes of abstraction, conveyance and treatment of fresh water and wastewater are all energy-intensive processes. This systematic review shows that the growing energy use and greenhouse-gas emissions from the water sector are under-recognized, suggesting the need for energy use to be further quantified and integrated into water resources management.

    • Sabrina G. S. A. Rothausen
    • Declan Conway
    Review Article
  • A tipping point occurs when an external forcing causes a qualitative change in a system. Human-induced climate change could push several large elements of the climate system, such as the Greenland ice sheet, past a tipping point. Given the severity of the potential impacts, early warning of these changes would be advantageous. This Review discusses the most promising approaches to early warning of tipping points.

    • Timothy M. Lenton
    Review Article