Market Watch in 2012

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  • As one country sets about properly valuing ecosystem services, Anna Petherick considers the path ahead for climate change discussions.

    • Anna Petherick
    Market Watch
  • Despite having achieved legally binding commitments on emissions reductions, many countries have increased their appetite for carbon-intensive products, making up the difference through international trade. Anna Petherick reports on the sticky task of regulating these invisible carbon flows.

    • Anna Petherick
    Market Watch
  • China, the world's largest emitter of greenhouse gases, is developing seven experimental carbon-trading schemes. Anna Petherick looks for clues as to how that's going.

    Market Watch
  • As poor nations put together their climate change budgets and strategies, Anna Petherick looks at the challenges of calculating national costs of adapting to global warming.

    • Anna Petherick
    Market Watch
  • Big money will soon flow from rich countries to poor ones that are particularly susceptible to the effects of climate change. Safeguarding this cash against corruption will be an exceptionally tough job, argues Anna Petherick.

    • Anna Petherick
    Market Watch
  • For the first time, banks have been ranked by how much they facilitate global warming. Anna Petherick asks how this data should be used.

    • Anna Petherick
    Market Watch