A flux tower in a forest

Our September issue is out

Featuring research on reduced CO2 uptake due to coastal permafrost erosion, enhanced biomass production at elevated CO2 levels, as well as Perspectives on machine learning and energy grid research.

Nature Climate Change is a Transformative Journal; authors can publish using the traditional publishing route OR via immediate gold Open Access.

Our Open Access option complies with funder and institutional requirements.


  • Participating in or spectating at sporting events is a favourite pastime for many, but climate change could alter the sporting landscape. Yet, sports are unifying to be part of the solution.

  • Night-time activities substantially impact climate change yet remain widely overlooked in climate research and action. We advocate for incorporating night studies into discussions surrounding climate socio-ecological dynamics to develop equitable and effective adaptation and mitigation strategies, especially in cities.

    • Alessio Kolioulis
    • Andreina Seijas
    • Michele Acuto

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