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  • British Association Supplement
  • British Association Supplement
  • The annual report for 1965–66 talks of financial crisis and intellectual challenge. Where will the money come from to support the new activities which have been started? How will the annual meeting be changed so as to make a greater impact on the membership and the rest of the country?

    British Association Supplement
  • The third annual meeting to be held in Nottingham convened on September 1, 1937. The programme and the proceedings were similar in form to those of the nineteenth century, yet the problems of the twentieth century, practical as well as intellectual, were also plainly evident.

    British Association Supplement
  • The following are extracts from the Presidential Address delivered on August 31, 1966, at the Nottingham Meeting of the British Association, by Sir Joseph Hutchinson, Drapers' Professor of Agriculture, University of Cambridge.

    British Association Supplement
  • In 1937 Mr. H. G. Wells was the president of the Section of the British Association on Educational Science. The substance of his address to the session, delivered on Thursday September 2, 1937, is reproduced here because it faithfully if brilliantly reflects the flavour of the British Association in the thirties, because of the historical importance of Wells's ideas on education, and also as a way of recalling that this year is the centenary of Wells's birth.

    British Association Supplement