Nature 554, 378–381 (2018); doi:

In this Letter, several errors were inadvertently introduced during the production process. In Fig. 3d, the blue bars should be labelled ‘l-asparaginase’ rather than ‘l-asparagine’. In the main text, “These were collected onto Matrigel…” should be “These were placed onto Matrigel…”, and in the Methods, ‘corresponding proteins’ should be ‘corresponding peptides’ in the text: “…proteins were removed from subsequent analysis if fewer than 5 corresponding peptides were identified in any sample.” The legend to Extended Data Fig. 6b should state ‘Volumes of orthotopic..’ rather ‘Volumes of orthotropic…’. Finally, in the HTML the legend to Supplementary Table 4 was repeated for Supplementary Table 5. The legend to Supplementary Table 5 should have stated: ‘Amino acid composition of serum with and without l-asparaginase treatment. 4T1-T cells harbouring the non-targeting Renilla shRNA were injected into immunocompromised mice. Five mice each were either injected with 60 U l-asparaginase or PBS 5 days per week. After blood collection and serum isolation, free amino acids were quantified using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and a fluorometric detector.’ These errors have all been corrected online.