Technology Features in 2014

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  • The processes behind neuronal communication have not yet been resolved in detail, but dyes, microscopy and protein analysis are beginning to fill in the gaps.

    • Vivien Marx
    Technology Feature
  • When healthy parents have a child with a genetic disorder, the cause is sometimes a new mutation. Tools are emerging to meet the challenge of finding such changes.

    • Vivien Marx
    Technology Feature
  • Bacteria can coat everything from thermal springs to teeth. Researchers are looking for antibiotics that can subvert the signalling that the microbes use to carve their niche.

    • Vivien Marx
    Technology Feature
  • The first draft of the complete human proteome has been more than a decade in the making. In the process, the effort has also delivered lessons about technology and biology.

    • Vivien Marx
    Technology Feature
  • Beams of charged particles can treat cancer more safely and effectively than X-rays. Physicists and biomedical researchers are working to refine the technology for wider use.

    • Vivien Marx
    Technology Feature
  • Instruments for studying microbes under biological containment cannot be readily removed from labs for servicing. A US facility is finding ways around that problem.

    • Vivien Marx
    Technology Feature