Nature Index in 2014

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  • Shenzhen, a former fishing village, is something of a miracle in China's scientific development. It has become a dominant force in genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics, and is now heading for new frontiers.

    Nature Index
  • Wuhan is the booming capital of the eastern inland province of Hubei. The city is investing heavily in research and development and has become China's 'optics valley'.

    Nature Index
  • Hefei has kept a low profile for many years. However, as the University of Science and Technology of China continues to break new ground in the physical sciences, the city is moving into the global spotlight.

    Nature Index
  • Changchun has traditionally been a manufacturing centre, producing goods ranging from cars to processed food. In line with China's growth and reform, the city is diversifying its economy by leveraging its research base.

    Nature Index
  • Hangzhou, a tourist hotspot best known for its historical relics and natural scenery, has long been a source of inspiration for Chinese artists. Today the city is home to a new generation working at the intersection of science and e-commerce.

    Nature Index
  • By 2013 weighted fractional count, China is the second leading country for high-quality science output. Where that research takes place, and who China collaborates with, are shown below.

    Nature Index
  • Hong Kong has enjoyed 17 years of prosperity and academic freedom since the transfer of sovereignty from the UK to China. But with political unrest and increasing competition from mainland cities, it needs to rethink its long-term strategy.

    Nature Index
  • Nanjing has long been a hotbed for scientific discovery and technological innovations. Now, through promoting materials science and astrophysics, the former capital city hopes to step out from the shadows of its neighbour and rival Shanghai.

    Nature Index
  • For 65 years, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has been a rich source of technological innovation, scientific discovery and aspiring minds. Making the leap from a regional to a global leader, researchers are taking the intellectual powerhouse to soaring new heights.

    Nature Index
  • Beijing, the political centre of China for nearly a millennia, has seen unprecedented growth in its research output, scientific impact and technological innovation in the last 15 years. And the momentum shows no signs of abating.

    Nature Index
  • Shanghai has long been the commercial and financial centre of China. Because of its leading life-science research institutions, the city has become the hub for multinational pharmaceutical companies establishing a presence in China.

    Nature Index
  • Prone to infectious disease outbreaks, Guangzhou this year experienced one of its worst for dengue fever. By exploiting the data from thousands of clinical cases, researchers hope to reveal new approaches for prevention and control.

    Nature Index
  • Tianjin, a major transport hub 120 kilometres southeast of Beijing, is one of four municipalities under the direct administration of central government. By leveraging the innovation of its top universities, the city hopes to lead the nation in two emerging research areas.

    Nature Index
  • China's leading institutions for high-quality science, ordered by weighted fractional count (WFC) for 2013. Also shown are the total number of articles, and the change in WFC from 2012. Articles are from the 68 natural science journals that comprise the Nature Index (see 'A guide to the Nature Index', page S76).

    Nature Index
  • High-level results from the Nature Index show three strong regions, but also reveal a more nuanced picture.

    Nature Index
  • A mature scientific system helps this region to produce a strong scientific output, and support for science is high — even during an economic slump. But a heavy administrative and bureaucratic burden makes collaborations difficult. Article count: 25,355 Fractional count (FC): 18,458 Weighted fractional count (WFC): 15,795

    Nature Index
  • Scientists in Middle and South America are striving for excellence and reaching out for international collaborations, while contending with comparatively low spending levels. Article count (AC): 1,968 Fractional count (FC): 804 Weighted fractional count (WFC): 530

    Nature Index