Why publish with Nature Portfolio?
On this page
- Article download statistics
- Nature Portfolio's 'license to publish'
- Faster publication online
- Widest possible readership
- Global collaborations
Nature Portfolio publishes high-quality, independently peer-reviewed research and reviews, as well as comment and news, for the scientific and clinical research communities. Nature Portfolio uses pioneering technologies, innovative formats and first-class editing to provide cutting-edge, timely yet readable information for researchers in the public and private sectors, government agencies, educators, clinicians and the general public.
Nature Portfolio has a close relationship with the scientific community. By working with scientists, listening to what they say, and always placing emphasis on quality, Nature Portfolio is the leading publisher for innovative solutions to scientists' information needs.
Publishing with the Nature Portfolio family provides an author with a wide range of benefits.
Article download statistics
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For articles published after 1 January 2010, Nature Portfolio allows authors to view website download statistics for their articles. These are available to authors logged into the manuscript tracking system. To view statistics on a published article:
- Click on the “Submit Manuscript” link on the top right of this page, select the journal you published in and log into the manuscript tracking system.
- Then click on the link “My Nature Portfolio Account” and select the manuscripts tab.
- Open the “Published” section and click on the Statistics button.
Authors are able to view downloads and page views of HTML and PDF versions of their articles broken down into daily figures and displayed on a graph showing the accumulated downloads. The raw figures used to generate the graph are available as a download. Below is a screenshot of a sample graph.
* Statistics are not yet available for these journals: Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, American Journal of Gastroenterology, American Journal of Hypertension, Asian Journal of Andrology, Hypertension Research, Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, Journal of Investigative Dermatology, Kidney International, Mucosal Immunology and Obesity.
Nature Portfolio's license to publish
Nature Portfolio does not require authors of original (primary) research papers to assign copyright of their published contributions. Authors grant Nature Portfolio an exclusive license to publish, in return for which they can reuse their papers in their future printed work without first requiring permission from the publisher.
Nature Portfolio encourages authors to self-archive of the accepted version of their manuscripts in PubMed Central (for biomedical and life science articles), and/or their funding agency's or institution's repository, six months after publication. This policy complements the policies of a range of research funding bodies around the world, and specifically, is compliant with those of the US National Institutes of Health, the UK Medical Research Council and the Wellcome Trust. Nature Portfolio recognizes the efforts of funding bodies to increase access to the research they fund, and we strongly encourage authors to participate in such efforts.
Nature journals have no page charges, though the publishers ask for a contribution to costs of colour figure reproduction in primary research articles. For figures in which the use of colour is essential, the editors will waive this charge upon request if an author is unable to pay it.
Faster publication online
Nature Portfolio journals operate an online submission system for original research papers and reviews, speeding up the submission and refereeing process. Our online system also allows authors to view online the status of submitted articles.
Advance online publication. Articles published in an Nature Portfolio journal are usually published online ahead of publication in the print issue, ensuring the research is made publicly available and can be cited as soon as possible after acceptance for publication. The online version of the paper is identical to the printed version and is not a preliminary, unedited version, which maintains the integrity of the published record.
Supplementary Information. Authors submitting their work to Nature journals who wish to include additional supporting material essential to the paper but exceeding the journal's length constraints can publish it online, accompanying the main version of the paper on nature.com. Supplementary Information is peer-reviewed along with the rest of the submitted paper. Movies, sound files and other files unsuitable for the print format can also be published as Supplementary Information accompanying the online version of the paper.
Methods. Authors submitting to the Nature journals are encouraged to include their full methods or protocols, which the journal publishes in an online format to accompany publication of the article.
Widest possible readership
Nature Portfolio journals are available online via site licences to academic, corporate and government institutions and consortia, adding speed and visibility to authors' research papers.
Free e-mail alerts. Nature Portfolio reaches more than half a million scientists, clinicians and other readers who have signed up for free e-alerts of the table of contents of its journals, ensuring additional exposure for authors. These e-alerts are sent just ahead of the printed issue, allowing recipients to click through to the full article. Non-subscribers can click through to the article's abstract.
Nature Portfolio subject areas. From immunology to physics, genetics to materials science, readers can sign up for regularly updated focus for a particular field. In Nature Portfolio's journals, and as separate web focuses and features, News & Views articles, research highlights (summaries), the latest significant research is brought to the attention of a broader readership, providing additional reader interest and widening the community of readers for an author's work.
Abstracting and indexing. Journals published by Nature Portfolio are included in the leading abstracting and indexing services, including ISI, Medline and Scopus. Extensive reference linking via services such as Crossref, and DOI (digital object identifier) numbers, provide seamless online linking between articles and databases.
Media coverage. Nature Portfolio's press release provides information about the exceptionally interesting papers being published throughout Nature Portfolio's journals. More than 2,000 journalists and media organizations subscribe to the Nature Portfolio press release, ensuring that authors receive maximum exposure for their work in the world's most important newspapers, magazines, radio and television channels. The press office also informs authors' institutions and funding bodies that papers are being published.
Global collaborations
Nature Portfolio supports projects aimed at making current research available to a broader community of scientists and practitioners. Examples include the UN/WHO organizations HINARI, AGORA, OARE , and the independent network SciDev.Net.
Primary research papers and other content in our journals are made freely available online to readers in countries that are members of HINARI, AGORA and OARE, greatly extending the reach of the papers as well as providing information in a timely fashion to people who might not otherwise be able to obtain it or obtain it promptly.
SciDev.Net is an online science and development network providing news, views and information about science, technology and the developing world. It is a free access website and features several articles a week from Nature, selected by the SciDev.Net editors.