Out of date before it's published Zika provides a vision for how to keep pace with a fast-moving research field. Jon Brock NI 360 30 Jul 2019
The top 10 countries for scientific research in 2018 These countries were the year's largest contributors to papers published in the past year in the 82 leading journals tracked by the Nature Index. Bec Crew Listings 1 Jul 2019
“We can do anything we want”: How young universities say they're stealing a march on older competitors The latest Times Higher Education rankings highlight innovation among universities established since 1945 and others aged 50 and under. David Payne Listings 27 Jun 2019
Power balance in clinical trials exposed Industry funders routinely take charge of analysis and reporting. Gemma Conroy News 9 Oct 2018
Experts fear irrelevance for assessment of research relevance Australian academics will need to prove that they have demonstrated the usefulness of their work to communities, industry and government. News feature 28 Mar 2018
Predatory journals find their prey Bogus journals and their victims are widespread, study finds. Brian Owens News 7 Sep 2017
UQ retains position as Australia's top research university in 2015 There's not much separating the top three Australian universities with the highest contributions to the index in 2015. James Mitchell Crow Listings 28 Oct 2016
How Australian universities spent $4.5b on research in four years Assessing the research performance of universities is a difficult pursuit. Bianca Nogrady News 27 Oct 2016