Overall research output
Count | Share | |
Overall | 242 | 36.56 |
Overall Count and Share for 'UC San Diego Health Sciences' based on the 12-month time frame mentioned above.
Research outputs by subject area
Note: Hover over the donut graph to view the Share for each subject.
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- University of California, San Diego (UC San Diego)
- UC San Diego Health Sciences
Affiliated joint institutions and consortia
- Cancer Cell Map Initiative (CCMI)
- Chiba University-UC San Diego Center for Mucosal Immunology, Allergy and Vaccine (cMAV)
- Department of Pediatrics, UC San Diego
- Laboratoire International Associé Structure-Guided Investigations into Disease States and Therapeutic Strategies (LIA SGIDSTS)
- Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research San Diego Branch
- Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (PGC)