The positions in the table below reflect the Fudan University's position overall, domestically, within their sector, and in various subject areas based on their Share. Each position links to the corresponding table where Fudan University is listed.
Position by research output Share
Position by research output Share in subject areas
Overall research output
Count | Share | |
Overall | 1562 | 556.94 |
Overall Count and Share for 'Fudan University' based on the 12-month time frame mentioned above.
Research outputs by subject area
Subject | Count | Share |
Biological sciences | 361 | 120.78 |
Chemistry | 534 | 251.14 |
Earth & environmental sciences | 148 | 43.91 |
Health sciences | 242 | 75.64 |
Physical sciences | 676 | 211.54 |
Note: Articles may be assigned to more than one subject area, as a result the sum of the subject research outputs may not equal the overall research outputs.
Note: Hover over the donut graph to view the Share for each subject.
Share output for the past 5 years
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International vs domestic collaboration by Share
Type | Percentage |
International (1734 institutions) | 30.8% |
Domestic (701 institutions) | 69.2% |
Note: Hover over the graph to view the percentage of collaboration.
Top 5 domestic collaborators with Fudan University by Share
Collaborating institutions
Top 5 international collaborators with Fudan University by Share
Collaborating institutions
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Affiliated joint institutions and consortia
- CMA‐Fudan Joint Laboratory of Marine Meteorology
- Chinese Hippo Consortium
- Collaborative Innovation Center for Cancer Medicine
- Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Microstructures (CICAM)
- Collaborative Innovation Center of Chemistry for Energy Materials (iChEM)
- Collaborative Innovation Center of Chemistry for Life Sciences
- DISCO (Deciphering disorders Involving Scoliosis and COmobidities) study group
- Fudan ISTBI—ZJNU Algorithm Centre for Brain-inspired Intelligence
- Fudan-Haier Joint Research Center
- Fudan-SJTU-Nottingham Plant Biotechnology RD Center
- Fudan-Yale Biomedical Research Center
- International Associated Laboratory of CNRS-Fudan-HUNAU on Plant Epigenome Research
- MOE Key Laboratory for Biodiversity Science and Ecological Engineering
- MOE Key Laboratory for Carcinogenesis and Invasion
- NHC Key Laboratory of Reproduction Regulation
- National Center for Liver Cancer
- National Engineering Research Center for Nanotechnology (NERCN)
- Shanghai Innovation Institute for Materials
- Shanghai Institute of International Finance and Economics
- Shanghai Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Particle Pollution and Prevention
- Sino-French Plant Epigenetics International Joint Laboratory (LIA PER)
- The Genographic Project
- The HUGO Pan-Asian SNP Consortium
- Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research
- WCSUH-Fudan Joint Laboratory for Lung Development and Related Diseases