The positions in the table below reflect the University of Montpellier's position overall, domestically, within their sector, and in various subject areas based on their Share. Each position links to the corresponding table where University of Montpellier is listed.
Position by research output Share
Position by research output Share in subject areas
Overall research output
Count | Share | |
Overall | 430 | 43.46 |
Overall Count and Share for 'University of Montpellier' based on the 12-month time frame mentioned above.
Research outputs by subject area
Subject | Count | Share |
Biological sciences | 216 | 20.92 |
Chemistry | 86 | 11.42 |
Earth & environmental sciences | 59 | 3.50 |
Health sciences | 100 | 5.58 |
Physical sciences | 66 | 9.26 |
Note: Articles may be assigned to more than one subject area, as a result the sum of the subject research outputs may not equal the overall research outputs.
Note: Hover over the donut graph to view the Share for each subject.
Share output for the past 5 years
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International vs domestic collaboration by Share
Type | Percentage |
International (2041 institutions) | 39.8% |
Domestic (659 institutions) | 60.2% |
Note: Hover over the graph to view the percentage of collaboration.
Top 5 domestic collaborators with University of Montpellier by Share
Collaborating institutions
Top 5 international collaborators with University of Montpellier by Share
Collaborating institutions
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Affiliated joint institutions and consortia
- Agroecology and sustainable intensification of annual crops (UPR AIDA)
- Botany and Modelling of Plant Architecture and Vegetation Joint Research Unit (AMAP)
- Center for Environmental Economics - Montpellier (CEE-M)
- Centre d'Etude des Maladies Infectieuses et Pharmacologie Anti-Infectieuse (CEMIPAI)
- Centre for Research on the Ecology and Evolution of Diseases (CREES)
- Chimie Balard Cirimat Carnot Institute
- Computational Biology Institute (IBC)
- Desbrest Institute of Epidemiology and Public Health (IDESP)
- Embryo Development Fertility Environment (DEFE)
- EuroMov Digital Health in Motion (EuroMov DHM)
- Functional Ecology and Biochemistry of Soils and Agroecosystems (Eco&Sols)
- HortSys
- Host-Pathogen-Environment Interactions (IHPE)
- Institut d'Electronique et des Systèmes (IES)
- Institut de Recherche en Infectiologie de Montpellier (IRIM)
- Institute for Plant Sciences of Montpellier (IPSiM)
- Interactions Plantes Microorganismes Environnement (IPME)
- Knowledge, Environment and Societies (UMR SENS)
- Laboratoire Montpellierain d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée (LAMETA)
- Laboratoire de Chimie Bio-inspirée et d’Innovations Ecologiques (ChimEco)
- Laboratoire de Génétique de Maladies Rares (LGMR)
- Marine Biodiversity Exploitation and Conservation (MARBEC)
- Mobility European Master in Evolution Programme (MEME)
- Pathogenesis and Control of Chronic and Emerging Infections (PCCEI)
- Physiology and Experimental Medicine: Heart - Muscles (PHYMEDEXP)
- Plant Health Institute Montpellier (PHIM)
- QualiSud
- UPR Recyclage et Risque
- Unité Performance des Systèmes de Culture des Plantes Pérennes
- Virulence Bactérienne et Maladies Infectieuses