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Using carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) for carbon removal is crucial to climate policy, but implementation at scale is at risk owing to political obstacles. Climate policies must avoid relying on empty promises of CCS for carbon removal without necessary financial resourcing and support emissions reductions separately from carbon removal.
Underground hydrogen storage (UHS) will be an essential part of the energy transition. Over 45 pilot projects are underway to reduce the technical and regulatory risks of UHS, but negative perceptions must be addressed to ensure that hydrogen’s role in achieving net zero targets can be realized.
Degradation and loss of blue carbon ecosystems contributes to climate change, weakens coastal protection and threatens biodiversity. This Perspective outlines the actions required to achieve goals to restore and protect these ecosystems.
Falk Oraschewski describes how phase-sensitive radio echo sounding can be used to measure melting at the base of ice shelves and englacial ice crystal orientations.
To explore career opportunities outside of academia, Nature Reviews Earth & Environment interviewed Allen Pope about their career path from research scientist to programme director at the U.S. National Science Foundation.
Treated wastewater (TW) reuse for irrigation could alleviate water imbalances and boost food production in water-scarce regions, thus promoting global food and water security. This Review discusses the potential and challenges of widespread TW reuse for agriculture in a circular economy framework.
Climate change and human activities are increasing the exposure of deltaic communities to natural hazards. This Review discusses lessons that the Asian mega-deltas can share to develop long-term resilience strategies.
A loss and damage (L&D) fund has been established to support particularly vulnerable developing countries. L&D funding needs, entitlements and necessary contributions can be quantified using climate economics coupled with historical responsibility principles; for the year 2025, total L&D funding needs are estimated to be US $395 [128–937] billion.
Fire can increase the rates of geomorphic processes leading to rapid landscape change and sediment-related hazards. This Review outlines the factors and processes that influence the magnitude, temporal persistence and extent of fire-induced geomorphic changes.
To explore career opportunities outside of academia, Nature Reviews Earth & Environment interviewed Eleni Wood about their career path from PhD student to a researcher at BBC Studios.
Increasing light emissions threaten human and ecological health. This Review outlines existing measurements and projections of light pollution trends and impacts, as well as developments in ground-based and remote sensing techniques that are needed to improve them.
Warmer temperatures enhance formation of glacial lakes that can suddenly and catastrophically release as a glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF), threatening downstream lives and infrastructure. This Review outlines observed and projected changes in glacial lakes and GLOFs, reporting that both will increase with ongoing deglaciation.
Wildfires are important ecosystem regulators and can benefit many fire-prone ecosystems, but extreme fires can leave soils vulnerable to nutrient loss and contaminant transformations. This Review discusses fire-induced impacts on soil chemistry and post-fire soil, air and water recovery.
Human modifications to the environment can amplify the secondary impacts of earthquakes, such as landslides, liquefaction and tsunamis. This Perspective explores the relationships between environmental modification and earthquake-triggered hazards to identify potential solutions for hazard mitigation.
Monica Alejandra Gomez Correa describes how the ostracod fossil record provides insight into changes in environmental conditions and their impact on marine ecosystems.
To explore career opportunities outside of academia, Nature Reviews Earth & Environment interviewed Nina Ridder about their career path from a postdoctoral scholar to a Senior Climate Advisor at Suncorp Group Limited.