Research Highlights

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  • An article in Nature Electronics reports the development of a biodegradable, minimally invasive tent electrode for large-area cortex monitoring.

    • Caroline Beyer
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Nature reports the generation of human chimeric brain organoids that integrate cells from multiple donors.

    • Caroline Beyer
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Science Robotics reports green algae-based microrobots, carrying macrophage membrane-coated nanoparticles, that can be orally administered to neutralize proinflammatory cytokines in the gastrointestinal tract to treat inflammatory bowel disease.

    • Christine-Maria Horejs
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Nature Communications reports a metabolic modelling-based framework to construct synthetic microbiomes that can degrade specific herbicides in soil.

    • Christine-Maria Horejs
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Nature Materials reports a new ultrasoft and conformal liquid bioelectronic material for injectable and retrievable biosensing.

    • Sadra Bakhshandeh
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Communications Engineering reports a 3D real-time magnetic particle scanner suitable for brain imaging at the patient’s bedside in intensive care units.

    • Sadra Bakhshandeh
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Nature reports a leadless photoelectrochemical device that exploits a new type of diode junction to regulate heartbeats by light.

    • Christine-Maria Horejs
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Nature Communications reports the development of cultured meat with organoleptic properties by regulating the differentiation of stem cells to produce muscle and fat blocks.

    • Nesma El-Sayed Ibrahim
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Nature Communications reports a battery-free, self-powered pacemaker for long-time treatment of arrhythmia.

    • Sadra Bakhshandeh
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Nature Communications reports an injectable hydrogel electrode to stimulate and restore the native pacing of the heart.

    • Sadra Bakhshandeh
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Communications Engineering reports the development of menstrual pads made of a plant-based high-quality absorption material.

    • Nesma El-Sayed Ibrahim
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Nature Communications reports using CRISPR–Cas9 to genetically engineer chickens to be resistant to influenza A virus.

    • Sadra Bakhshandeh
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Science reports a co-polymer with both semiconducting and adhesive properties, which can effectively stick an organic electrochemical transistor (OECT)-based sensor to living tissues.

    • Silvia Conti
    Research Highlight
  • An article in Nature Communications reports that substitution of animal-based food by plant-based alternatives greatly reduces agricultural input use, greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity loss.

    • Christine-Maria Horejs
    Research Highlight