Our publishing models
As part of the ongoing changes in scientific publishing, which aim to increase the readership, reach and impact of published research, many journals are moving from a traditional, subscription-based publishing model to an Open Access (OA) model. Under the OA model, an article is made freely available online when published, rather than being behind a paywall. Payment for publication is made by the authors’ institutions or funding bodies, who pay an Article Processing Charge (APC) when the research is accepted.
Authors submitting primary research articles to Nature Mental Health can choose to publish their work using either the traditional publishing route OR Open Access.
*Non-primary research (i.e. Reviews, Comments, News & Views) is not eligible for Open Access and is only published using the traditional publishing route.
Find out more about publishing in Nature Mental Health
Nature Mental Health is actively committed to becoming a fully Open Access journal. We will increase the number of articles we publish OA, with the eventual goal of becoming a fully Open Access journal. This transition towards OA recognises our commitment to the principles developed by cOAlition S. A journal that commits to this process is known as a Transformative Journal (TJ).
Find out more about Transformative Journals
Authors may need to take specific actions to achieve compliance with funder and institutional open access mandates. If your research is supported by a funder that requires immediate open access (e.g. according to Plan S principles) then you should select the gold OA route, and we will direct you to the compliant route where possible. For authors selecting the subscription publication route our standard licensing terms will need to be accepted including our self-archiving policies. Those standard licensing terms will supersede any other terms that the author or any third party may assert apply to any version of the manuscript.