August 24 Issue

August issue

Mittal, S., Thakral, K., Singh, R. et al. On responsible machine learning datasets emphasizing fairness, privacy and regulatory norms with examples in biometrics and healthcare.

  • Surbhi Mittal
  • Kartik Thakral
  • Tal Hassner

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  • The Data Provenance Initiative audits over 1,800 text artificial intelligence (AI) datasets, analysing trends, permissions of use and global representation. It exposes frequent errors on several major data hosting sites and offers tools for transparent and informed use of AI training data.

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    • Robert Mahari
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  • Integral equations are used in science and engineering to model complex systems with non-local dependencies; however, existing traditional and machine-learning-based methods cannot yield accurate or efficient solutions in several complex cases. Zappala and colleagues introduce a neural-network-based method that can learn an integral operator and its dynamics from data, demonstrating higher accuracy or scalability compared with several state-of-the-art methods.

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    • David van Dijk
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  • Cellular phenotypic heterogeneity is a key determinant of biological functions and is challenging to identify. A deep learning method that recognizes specific nuclear signatures is discussed, which can identify cellular heterogeneity and differentiate between various cell states using a small amount of super-resolution microscopy data.

    • Davide Carnevali
    • Limei Zhong
    • Maria Pia Cosma
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