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  • The ASTRO 3D Centre of Excellence achieved 50% women personnel over a 5 yr time-frame by implementing a suite of evidence-based recruitment and retention initiatives. These initiatives changed how postdoctoral researchers were recruited and helped to develop a supportive and positive culture.

    • Lisa J. Kewley
    • J. Stuart B. Wyithe
    • Ingrid McCarthy
  • Our current cosmological observations cannot distinguish between a cosmological model with a fifth force acting on dark matter and one for which the laws of gravity are modified. Instead, a method using future gravitational redshift data is proposed.

    • Camille Bonvin
    • Levon Pogosian
  • Each uncontrolled rocket body in orbit poses a low casualty risk on reentry. But the cumulative risk is unacceptable and disproportionately borne by the Global South. Spacefaring states must stop exporting these risks and plan for safer reentries.

    • Michael Byers
    • Ewan Wright
    • Cameron Byers
    AnalysisOpen Access