For Authors & Referees
This section offers the following resources for prospective authors and referees:
Click on "For Referees" for:
Information about publication criteria, selection of referees, conflicts of interest, confidentiality, the review process, and how to write a report.
Click on "Preparation of Articles" for:
Information on article types, manuscript construction, cover letters, conflicts of interest, references, supplementary information, availability of data and materials, house style, and EGL Support.
Click on "How to Submit" for:
Information on pre-submission enquiries, online submission, and submission of revisions.
Click on "Post-Acceptance/Open Access/Self-Archiving" for:
Information on Open Access publication, standard publication, retrospective Open Access, self-archiving, e-proofs, and advance online publication.
Click on "Costs" for:
Information on Open Access publication fees, page charges, and offprints.
Click on "Editorial Policies" for:
Information on duplicate publication, permissions, clinical trials, communication with the media and between scientists, authorship, plagiarism and fabrication, MP's research data policy, gene nomenclature, biosecurity policy, appeals, the correction and retraction process, image integrity, etc.