Author Services

Author Tutorials
Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology and Springer Nature are pleased to share detailed online Author Tutorials - including interactive quizzes - which cover the following topics:

  • Writing a journal manuscript
  • Submitting a journal and peer review
  • Writing in English
  • Open Access

You can also watch a brief video giving an overview of the tutorials here.

Language Editing
The Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology is read by scientists from diverse backgrounds and many are not native English speakers. In addition, the readership of the Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology is multidisciplinary; therefore authors need to ensure their findings are clearly communicated. Language and concepts that are well known in one subfield may not be well known in another. Thus, technical jargon should be avoided as far as possible and clearly explained where its use is unavoidable. Abbreviations, particularly those that are not standard, should also be kept to a minimum. The background, rationale and main conclusions of the study should be clearly explained and understandable by all working in the field. Titles and abstracts in particular should be written in language that will be readily understood by all readers.

Authors who are not native speakers of English sometimes receive negative comments from referees or editors about the language and grammar usage in their manuscripts, which can contribute to a paper being rejected. To reduce the possibility of such problems, we strongly encourage such authors to take at least one of the following steps.
  • Have your manuscript reviewed for clarity by a colleague whose native language is English.
  • Visiting the English language tutorial which covers the common mistakes when writing in English.
  • Using a professional language editing service where editors will improve the English to ensure that your meaning is clear and identify problems that require your review. Two such services are provided by our affiliates Nature Research Editing Service and American Journal Experts
Please note that the use of a language editing service is at the author's own expense and does not guarantee that the article will be selected for peer review or accepted.
Nature Masterclasses
Nature Masterclasses provide training in scientific writing and publishing. The training is delivered by Nature Research journal editors and aims to help institutions and laboratories support their researchers in writing research papers.
Nature Masterclasses began in 2011 as face-to-face workshops and then, in 2015, launched  online training and webinars.
To find out more about how Nature Masterclasses may be able to help you, visit the website.