Figure 6 - Effect of sensory inputs on the burst discharge of swallowing neurons.

From the following article

Electrophysiologic characterization of the swallowing pattern generator in the brainstem

André Jean and Michel Dallaporta

GI Motility online (2006)



Swallowing is triggered by stimulations of the SLN. a: Effect of a slight pharyngeal distention on the activity of an oropharyngeal neuron. The balloon is deflated (1) and inflated with 10 mL air (2). b: Esophageal distention effect on swallowing activity of an esophageal neuron. The balloon is deflated (1) and inflated (2). Note the increase in duration and frequency of neuronal discharges when the balloon is inflated at the level of the tract corresponding to the neurons. MH m, mylohyoideus EMG; SwN, discharge of the medullary interneurons; P, recordings of intrapharyngeal (a) or intraesophageal (b) pressure. (Source: Adapted from Jean.6, 112, with permission from Elsevier.)

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