Table 1 - Methods for diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)-related pulmonary disease

From the following article

Gastroesophageal reflux and asthma

Stephen J. Sontag and Susan M. Harding

GI Motility online (2006)


MethodsGoalPotential mechanismReference
Sputum inspection for lipid-laden alveolar macrophagesDocument lipids in lung from gastric aspirationMicroaspirationNussbaum et al. 198784
Corwin et al. 198585
Scintigraphic technetium monitoringDocument pulmonary aspiration of gastric contentsMicroaspirationReich et al. 197786
Ghaed et al. 197987
Chernow et al. 197988
Esophageal acid infusion and ambulatory pH-testingProvoke vagally mediated bronchoconstriction and document acid reflux into esophagusVagal reflex and potential microaspirationEuler et al. 197989
Martin et al. 198290
Jolley et al. 198191
Donald et al. 198792
Pellegrini et al. 197993
Patti et al. 1992 94
Wiener et al. 198895
Avidan et al. 200196
Radiographic readings (retrospective)Document presence of hiatal hernia and barium refluxPotential microaspirationMays et al. 197624
Mays et al. 1976127
Patient questionnaireDocument time-related GER and pulmonary symptomsVagal reflex or microaspirationPerrin-Fayolle et al. 198012
Sontag et al. 200413
Field et al. 1996 14
Kiljander et al. 200415