Table 3 - Indicators of risk of aspiration in acute stroke

From the following article

Neurological disorders affecting oral, pharyngeal swallowing

Stephanie K. Daniels

GI Motility online (2006)


Abnormal volitional coughA weak response, verbalized response, or no response on command to cough
Abnormal gag reflexEither absent or weakened velar or pharyngeal wall contraction, unilaterally or bilaterally, in response to tactile stimulation of the posterior tongue, faucial arches or posterior pharyngeal wall
DysarthriaSpeech disorder reflected by impaired respiration, articulation, phonation, resonance, or prosody
DysphoniaVoice disorder reflected by impaired vocal quality, pitch, or intensity
Cough after swallowCough immediately or within 1 minute of ingestion of calibrated water volumes (5, 10, 20 ml presented in duplicate)
Voice change after swallowAlteration in vocal quality from baseline following ingestion of calibrated water volumes