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    Nutritional issues during pregnancy and their immediate and long term effects have been the focus of much research. In this collection that includes papers published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition over the last 2 years you will find a smorgasbord of papers dealing with issues on breast feeding, dietary patterns of children, fatty acid supplementation and micronutrient inadequacies on mother and child nutrition and health status.

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    We all lead very busy lives and sometimes may miss a research paper that is important to our work. In continuation with our previous efforts, the editors here showcase a few recent papers from the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition that we believe would be of interest to the readership. In this focus you will find a historical review of energy metabolism, a perspective on whether obesity should be considered a disease, metabolic adaptation and flexibility and other original articles covering body composition techniques and its functional significance in disease states. We hope you find these of value to you.

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    The EJCN has always attracted and encouraged nutrition research on a broad range of topics targeting human health and disease. The study of dietary intake and manipulation of its components, has been at the forefront of such endeavours to understand risk factors and mechanisms of disease. The outcomes of such research can signal the approach needed for specific disease prevention and management. This web focus brings together a collection of quality papers over the last 3 years that highlight how diet, dietary patterns and indeed, specific food groups, could influence a variety of health issues from obesity and cardiovascular disease, to mental health and some cancers. We hope you enjoy these papers and find them of use in your research.