
Collections and Guest Edited Collections may include original primary research Articles, Reviews, and other content types published by the journal. 

All manuscripts submitted to Nature Portfolio Journal Collections or Guest Edited Collections are assessed according to the journal’s standard editorial criteria and are subject to all of the Nature Portfolio standard Editorial Policies, including the Competing Interests policy. The content of the submission will also be assessed to ensure it lies within the scope of the Collection or Guest Edited Collection. 

All submissions that meet the journal’s criteria for peer review will undergo the journal’s standard peer review process. 

How to submit a Collection manuscript

Please make sure your article is prepared according to our Submission Guidelines and formatted as detailed here.  

To submit your invited manuscript as part of this Collection, once logged into our online submission system, select “Article” under the article type.  Fill in all information as for any regular submission. At step “2. Manuscript Information” in the submission form, under the tab “c) Subjects and Techniques” chose the Collection title from the drop down menu. You can also specify that your manuscript is invited for a specific collection in the "Previous interactions" under the "d) Detailed information" tab. Authors should express their interest in the Collection in the cover letter.