Outstanding reviewers


comms earth outstanding reviewerOur editors will select an Outstanding Reviewer on a regular basis, to be featured here. See our Editorial for more information about our Outstanding Reviewers programme, and our Resources for Referees for our top tips on how to write a peer review report..

Our featured reviewers are those who have:

  • made a significant and positive contribution to the peer review process, regardless of whether the paper was eventually accepted by the journal;
  • demonstrated professionalism and compassion in their reviews; and
  • provided comments that help the authors to improve their work.

We must note that, while it is our opinion that these reviewers have provided exceptional reviews, many of our reviewers meet the above criteria and we regret that we cannot recognize each of them publicly here. We are equally grateful to all of the individuals who agree to review for Communications Earth & Environment, thereby helping to strengthen the scientific record. We hope that by highlighting a few of our most outstanding reviewers, we can bring attention to the valuable contributions of peer reviewers to the scientific process.


Wiebke Frey 

Dr. Wiebke Frey is an assistant professor in the Meteorology and Air Quality group at Wageningen University and Research, Netherlands. The main aim of her research is to understand the fundamental processes of cloud physics and cloud dynamics. In particular, she currently focusses on the impact of turbulence on cloud microphysics, and on dynamics and cloud microphysics in deep (tropical) convective clouds in relation to downdrafts.

Arianna Olivelli

Arianna is a final-year PhD candidate in Chemical Oceanography at Imperial College London, UK. Her research focuses on anthropogenic lead (Pb) pollution in the ocean and combines isotope geochemistry work in the laboratory with numerical and machine learning models. More broadly, she is interested in understanding how anthropogenic activities affect and pollute the marine environment and in translating scientific research into practical solutions. 

Meysam Akbari

Dr. Meysam Akbari is a lecturer at Tarbiat Modares University in Iran. His interests in crystalline rocks and minerals developed during postgraduate studies at the Iran Research Institute for Earth Sciences and PhD research at Tarbiat Modares University. Dr Akbari’s research interests are focused on the application of geochemistry in petrological processes, sources and exploration strategies for rare Earth element deposits, and machine learning in big data analysis.

Fernanda Marcello

Fernanda Marcello headshotFernanda is a postdoctoral researcher at the Oceanographic Institute of the University of São Paulo, Brazil. Her research is focused on the large-scale circulation of the South Atlantic Ocean, featuring the interplay between the wind-driven South Atlantic subtropical gyre and the upper limb of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. She is particularly interested in understanding the evolution of modern climate changes in the context of past climate dynamics.

Yusupujiang Aimaiti

Yusupujiang AimaitiDr. Yusupujiang Aimaiti is a Research Scientist at the Remote Sensing Lab at Saint Louis University. Previously, he served as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for Remote Sensing at Boston University from 2021 to 2022. He obtained his Ph.D. in Urban Environment Systems from Chiba University, Japan. His research focuses on Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) uncertainty analysis and its application to both natural and human-induced hazards.

Jenny Jardine

Jenny JardineDr Jenny Jardine is a coastal ocean modeller at the National Oceanography Centre, UK. Her research interests include shelf sea biophysical interactions in relation to climate change and anthropogenic perturbations, such as offshore wind farms, and developing new model frameworks for configuring high-resolution, regional models. She holds a PhD from the University of Liverpool , where she studied the initiation of stratification and spring bloom development in a temperate shelf sea.

Angela Stallone

Angela Stallone Dr. Angela Stallone is a researcher at Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Italy.  She holds a PhD in geophysics (seismology), with graduate studies in applied geophysics (IDEA League program by TU Delft, ETH Zurich and RWTH Aachen). Her research interests are computational and statistical seismology, high-performance computing (HPC) and seismic hazard assessment. Her current research aims to integrate physics-based and probabilistic approaches, alongside emerging techniques, to address earthquake phenomena from a multidisciplinary perspective. 

Henrik Sadatzki

Henrik SadatzkiDr. Henrik Sadatzki is a postdoctoral researcher at the MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen, Germany. His research interests include the reconstruction of past ocean conditions in various regions and investigation of their dynamics and linkages with climate change. He uses mar­ine sed­i­ments from the deep ocean and vari­ous or­ganic and in­or­ganic geo­chem­ical proxy meth­ods for pa­leoen­vir­on­mental re­con­struc­tions.



Kate Salmon

Kate SalmonDr Kate Salmon is an international applied climate scientist at the UK Met Office. Her work focusses on interpreting climate model data for government and industry to assess climate risk for various sectors and improve their resilience to the impacts of climate change. She obtained her PhD in biogeochemical oceanography from the Open University where she applied fossil planktonic foraminifera shells as physical and chemical proxies for changing ocean chemistry.

Henry Hoult

Henry Hoult is a volcanologist studying towards a PhD at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. He investigates shallow conduit processes and their implications for volcanic hazards. His research interests also include volcanic ash aggregation within eruption plumes.


Junsheng Nie

Junsheng Nie holds a PhD in oceanography from the University of Rhode Island. He currently works as a professor at the Lanzhou University, China. His research focuses on understanding processes and reasons of landscape and climate variations during the Cenozoic. He mainly uses geochronology, magnetic and isotope tools to achieve these goals.

Thea Gregersen

Thea Gregersen headshotThea Gregersen holds a PhD in psychology from the University of Bergen (Norway). She currently works as a senior researcher at NORCE Norwegian Research Centre, where she focuses on people's attitudes, emotions, and behavior related to climate change and climate measures. Her research is primarily based on large surveys.


Ken Sawada

Ken Sawada headshotDr Ken Sawada is an organic biogeochemist and a professor in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Faculty of Science at Hokkaido University, Japan. His research focuses on biogeochemical processes over long timescales associated with marine primary production and their link to terrestrial ecosystems, paleoclimatic and environmental variations in the ocean and at the land-ocean interface, and on the biogeochemical roles of production and deposition of geomacromolecules such as kerogen. He is developing biomarker proxies to reconstruct paleoclimate and paleoenvironment from ancient sediments and fossils.

Barbara Harm-Altstädter

Dr.-Ing. Barbara Harm-Altstädter is a scientist, with graduate studies in meteorology, at the Institute of Flight Guidance of the Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany. Her research focus is on atmospheric aerosols measured in demanding fields (like polar areas) and based on applications with airborne systems. Her main investigations consider the complex interaction with aerosols on small-scale, for instance formation, transport and mixing within the atmospheric boundary layer. 

Francisco Martinez

Francisco Martinez is a hydraulic engineer, with graduate studies in physics and mechanics. His research focuses on granular matter and the application of fractals theory to describe urban and natural systems. He experience in private and public sector civil engineering and since 2018 has held an Associate Professorship at the School of Civil Engineering at P. Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso in Chile.

Tushar Apurv

Dr Tushar Apurv is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India, with specialization in Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering. His research focuses on improving the understanding of fundamental aspects of droughts such as why droughts occur, how they evolve with time and subsequently impact water resources and society. 

Alexandra Buylova 

Dr Alexandra Buylova is a research fellow at the Global Politics and Security Programme at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI). She joined UI in 2022 after completing her postdoc at the Department of Political Science at Stockholm University. Her current research focuses on climate governance, more specifically examining national level decarbonization strategies and policies, scrutinizing the role of state and non-state actors in climate action, and the role of the UNFCCC in climate cooperation. She recently also started a collaborative project studying the role on the EU Cities Mission in accelerating energy transitions. She holds a PhD in Public Policy from Oregon State University (2018). 

Michael Fong

Dr. Michael Fong is a postdoctoral fellow at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA. His research interests are in marine inorganic carbon chemistry and analytical methods for seawater carbon dioxide (CO2) measurements. He has expertise in spectrophotometric pH measurements in seawater, and his current research aims to improve the quality of seawater pH measurements and understand how measurement uncertainty and gaps in understanding of seawater CO2 system thermodynamics affect studies of ocean carbon chemistry.

Linda Delazeri

Dr Linda Delazeri is an Economist and a professor at Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil. Her research focuses on Environmental & Resource Economics and Agricultural Economics. She has a particular interest in the interactions among climate change, agricultural activities, and human migration.






Nemiah Ladd

Dr Nemiah Ladd is an organic geochemist and an assistant professor in the Department of Environmental Sciences at the University of Basel. Her research focuses on interactions among plants, humans, and climate today and throughout the recent geologic past. In particular, she uses lipid biomarker distributions and stable isotopic composition to reconstruct past changes in rainfall rates, eutrophication, and human land-use.

Caijun Xu

Dr Caijun Xu is a professor from the School of Geodesy and Geomatics at Wuhan University, China. Currently, he is involved in studying surface deformation and seismic activity in shale gas fields with InSAR/GNSS measurements, present-day tectonic deformation, and seismic hazard assessment of the Kalpin nappe in the Tianshan region. In particular, he is interested in research on joint geodetic and geophysical inversion modelling and its application.

Mike Peacock

Dr Mike Peacock is a lecturer in biogeochemistry at the University of Liverpool and a researcher at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. He looks into the dynamics of greenhouse gases and aquatic carbon in wetlands and freshwaters. He has a particular interest in the role that ditches and small ponds play in the global methane budget.

Solange Duhamel

Dr Solange Duhamel, an associate professor at the University of Arizona, is an environmental microbiologist and biogeochemist. Her research investigates the role of microorganisms as agents of biogeochemical transformations, and how microbes adapt to different environments and respond to stress. Her research interests include the effects of climate and nutrient and energy availability on the distribution, growth and productivity of microplankton but also the potential of life to adapt to extreme environments and the implications for astrobiology.

Irene Roca

Dr Irene Roca is a biologist specialising in ecoacoustics at the Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity, Germany. She is interested in how environmental conditions influence sonic animal community structure and dynamics. In her own work, she is developing automated tools that can analyse passive acoustic monitoring data to identify species and gain long term insights into marine mammal behaviour and habitat quality.

Vigan Mensah

Dr Vigan Mensah is a physical oceanographer who specialises in Polar Oceanography. He works as a project assistant professor at the Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University, Japan. His research aims mostly at better understanding the dynamics and temporal variability that affects the ocean's circulation and its water masses in regions where sea ice exists. His study areas include the Arctic Ocean, the Southern Ocean and the Sea of Okhotsk, and he uses oceanographic observations as well as realistic numerical simulations.

Jess McBeck

Dr Jess McBeck is a researcher at the Njord Centre, Departments of Physics and Geosciences, in the University of Oslo. She studies fracture network coalescence and strain localisation in both experiments and numerical models. The long term goal of her work is to identify the evolving characteristics of fracture networks and strain fields that may help forecast the timing of the next large earthquake.

Deniz Bozkurt

Dr Deniz Bozkurt, an associate professor at the Department of Meteorology, University of Valparaíso-Chile, is a climatologist and interested in climate dynamics, extreme weather events and atmospheric teleconnections. His academic and research background has mainly focused on regional and large-scale climate variability in the eastern Mediterranean region, western South America and Antarctica.

Roslyn Henry

Dr Roslyn Henry is a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Aberdeen. Roslyn’s research interests lie in exploring the interplay between food security, land use and biodiversity. She has expertise in individual based ecological modelling and global land use modelling.


Matt O'Regan

Dr Matt O’Regan is a marine geologist employed as an Associate Professor at the Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University. He has expertise in geochronology, stratigraphy and the physical properties of marine sediments. His main research focus is on deciphering how environmental and oceanographic conditions in the Arctic have changed on millennial and orbital timescales through the Cenozoic.

Kyle Delwiche

Dr Kyle Delwiche is a post-doctoral fellow at the University of California, Berkeley and the Project Coordinator for the FLUXNET Community Council project.  Her research interests include changes in ecosystem carbon and water flux with climate change, and methane emissions from aquatic systems.




Aurelio Guevara Escobar

Professor Aurelio Guevara Escobar is a research professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro. Mesmerized by the complex relationships between plants and animals, he attained a degree in Veterinary Medicine followed by a PhD in plant science from the Massey University in New Zealand. He has valued and maintained strong interdisciplinary collaborations during his 20 years' of research on sustainable agricultural practices.

David MacLeod

Dr David MacLeod is a climate scientist working on the use of climate information for humanitarian decision-making. His research focuses on theoretical and practical questions of predicting the human impacts of climate variability. He is currently a senior research associate at the University of Bristol and an external consultant for the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre

Gabrielle Tepp

Dr Gabrielle Tepp is currently a community science fellow with the American Geophysical Union's Thriving Earth Exchange and an independent contractor. In her fellow role, she is managing a community-led project investigating flooding and environmental impacts from a housing development. Her research interests include seismo-acoustics and understanding and forecasting natural hazards

Shlomit Sharoni 

Dr Shlomit Sharoni is a post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Marine Geosciences at Haifa University, Israel. She uses experimental and numerical models to investigate both the current and long-term interplay between marine phytoplankton ecology, global biogeochemical cycles and climate. She explores how microscopic organisms drive the biogeochemistry of the oceans.

Juan L. Cantalapiedra

Dr Juan L. Cantalapiedra, a senior research fellow at the Universidad de Alcalá at Madrid, is a paleobiologist whose main interest lies with diversification and extinction patterns in Cenozoic mammals and their connection with phenotypic evolution. He also studies extrinsic factors including among-clade competition and environmental perturbations.

Stephanie Olson

Dr Stephanie Olson, an assistant professor in the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences at Purdue University, is interested in the co-evolution of Earth's biosphere, atmosphere, and climate system. She uses numerical models to extend lessons from this history to inform the search for life in the Universe.


Dieter Issler

Dr. Dieter Issler, a researcher and consultant at the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute in Oslo, Norway, was trained in elementary particle theory and now works on different aspects of natural hazards. He is particularly interested in the physical mechanisms that lead to flow-regime changes, entrainment and long run-out in gravity mass flows like snow avalanches, debris flows and quick-clay slides.

Elsa Arcaute

Dr Elsa Arcaute, an associate professor at the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis at University College London, is a theoretical physicist who studies urban systems from the perspective of complexity science. She is interested in understanding behaviour at different scales, and in uncovering such scales by looking at the emergent hierarchies, and their role in the resilience of the system.

Argha Banerjee

Dr. Argha Banerjee, assistant professor in the department of Earth and Climate Science at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune (IISER), is mainly interested in Himalayan glaciers. He uses theoretical tools, field observations and remote-sensing data to understand the climate responses of Himalayan glaciers, glacier-fed Himalayan rivers, and Himalayan landscape.

Bess Koffman

Dr. Bess Koffman, an assistant professor of geology at Colby College, US is a geochemist and paleoclimatologist. Her research investigates how and why Earth’s atmospheric circulation has changed through time and how atmospheric deposition of dust and volcanic ash impacts ecosystems. Her work on ice, dust, and sediments has taken her to New Zealand, Antarctica, Alaska, and the Republic of Kiribati.

Mauro Barbat

Mauro BarbatDr. Mauro Barbat is a post-doctoral research associate at the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG), Brazil. He is particularly interested in applying artificial intelligence, computer vision, and remote sensing to the oceans, cryosphere, and their roles in global climate change scenarios. He is currently a member of the Brazilian High Latitudes Oceanography Group (GOAL) and the Brazilian National Institute of Science and Technology of the Cryosphere (INCT-CRIOSFERA).