Climate change driven effects on transport, fate and biogeochemistry of trace element contaminants in coastal marine ecosystems
Climate change is likely to impact coastal trace element contamination through natural processes, such as river runoff and human activities such as shipping. A focus on increased data coverage in the Global South, long-term and multiple stressors studies and improved ecosystem models are promising avenues to improve our understanding.
Carbon dioxide removal, capture and storage
In this cross-journal Collection, we bring together studies that address novel and existing carbon dioxide removal and carbon capture and storage methods and their potential for up-scaling, including critical questions of timing, location, and cost. We also welcome articles on methodologies that measure and verify the climate and environmental impact and explore public perceptions.
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South America is becoming warmer, drier, and more flammable
Perceptions of carbon dioxide emission reductions and future warming among climate experts
3D anatomy of the Cretaceous–Paleogene age Nadir Crater
Matrix imaging as a tool for high-resolution monitoring of deep volcanic plumbing systems with seismic noise