
  • Dr. Daniel Fu headshot

    Dr. Daniel Fu is a postdoctoral scholar specializing in computational methods that utilize self-assembly. He is currently at Duke University, where his research focuses on algorithmic approaches for generating nanostructures and performing molecular-scale computations using DNA.

  • Read a recent Editorial published in Nature on frugal innovation inspired by the recent Communications Engineering paper manufacturing sanitary products from Sisal.

  • image of light beam glinting off electronic chip

    Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) use digital information either overlaid onto elements from the physical world or to create a complete virtual immersive environment. This collection of papers aims to bring together diverse fields of research to advance these extended reality technologies and their applications.

    Open for submissions


  • A recent publication in Nature Communications describes the use of cameras on hovering drones to detect submillimetre displacements of bridge spans.

    • Anastasiia Vasylchenkova
    Research HighlightOpen Access
  • Learning from the 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquake Sequence offers valuable insights into disaster recovery. Carmine Galasso and Eyitayo Opabola delve into the intricacies of the “Build Back Better” (BBB) concept, underscoring the importance of recovery and reconstruction efforts toward a future that is not only more resilient but also more sustainable and equitable.

    • Carmine Galasso
    • Eyitayo A. Opabola
    CommentOpen Access
  • Recent high-profile concrete material failures, including the collapse of parts of public buildings in the UK, have highlighted the need for a greater understanding of the durability of concrete. Here, John Provis explores the need to recognise the complexity of concrete when planning both the research and application of this key construction material.

    • John L. Provis
    CommentOpen Access
  • Nanomaterial solutions to sustainable development goals are hindered in their path to commercialisation by an early-stage reliance on single metric optimisation. Here we formulate the PSEC challenge (Performance, Scalability, Environment and Cost) to integrate broader sustainability thinking with precise technical solutions and so enable successful commercialisation of these advanced materials.

    • Robert Pilling
    • Stuart R. Coles
    • Siddharth V. Patwardhan
    CommentOpen Access
  • On International Women in Engineering Day, we outline the ways that Communications Engineering supports the equitable inclusion of women in our publishing activities. We also suggest ways in which researchers can be supporters of diversity and inclusion when publishing their own research.

    EditorialOpen Access
  • Today we celebrate the first anniversary of the launch of Communications Engineering. We reflect on our progress and welcome in the second year by announcing some new projects and content.

    EditorialOpen Access
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Communications Engineering coverage across the Nature Portfolio

Here we showcase Editorials, Research Highlights and News and Views articles published in Nature and the Nature Research and Reviews journals covering Communications Engineering publications. We also present Nature’s multimedia coverage of our research content.
  • Communications Engineering editorial team
