Toward decoding spatiotemporal signaling activities of reactive immunometabolites with precision immuno-chemical biology tools
Immune-cell reprogramming driven by mitochondria-derived reactive electrophilic immunometabolites (mt-REMs) is an emerging phenomenon of major biomedical importance. Here, the authors highlight the latest advances and overarching challenges in precision indexing of mt-REMs’ cellular responses with spatiotemporal intelligence and locale-specific function assignments.
Electrocatalytic CO2 reduction
The electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) is a key technology to combat global climate issues. By utilizing renewable energy, we can convert greenhouse gases into value-added commodity chemicals. While there has been a growing number of CO2 research in recent years, there are still many unanswered fundamental questions and engineering challenges. With this collection, we encourage scientists from different academic backgrounds to explore these remaining challenges in the CO2 electrochemical reduction reaction and provide a forum for the CO2 community to share their latest research results. We welcome all submission of original research articles, reviews and perspectives related to the theme of CO2 electrocatalytic reduction.
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