A web focus from Spinal Cord
This focus looks at the physical capacity and fitness following SCI.
With today’s specialised medical care, life expectancy of persons with a SCI has considerably improved. However, not much is known about the effect of aging with a SCI on body functions, activities or societal participation.
We hope you enjoy our focus inspired by the themes of the 53rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Spinal Cord Society in September 2014.
Follow the contributions to this debate in Spinal Cord
Epidemiology of traumatic spinal cord injury: trends and future implications FREE
M J DeVivo
Spinal Cord 50: 365-372; Published online, 24 January 2012; doi:10.1038/sc.2011.178
Life expectancy after spinal cord injury: a 50-year study FREE
J W Middleton, A Dayton, J Walsh, S B Rutkowski, G Leong and S Duong
Spinal Cord 50: 803-811; Published online, 15 May 2012; doi:10.1038/sc.2012.55
Epidemiology of traumatic spinal cord injuries in Iceland from 1975 to 2009 FREE
S Knútsdóttir, H Thórisdóttir, K Sigvaldason, H Jónsson, A Björnsson and P Ingvarsson
Spinal Cord 50: 123-126; Published online, 27 September 2011; doi:10.1038/sc.2011.105
Secondary health conditions in individuals aging with SCI: Terminology, concepts and analytic approaches FREE
M P Jensen, I R Molton, S L Groah, M L Campbell, S Charlifue, A Chiodo, M Forchheimer, J S Krause and D Tate
Spinal Cord 50: 373-378; Published online, 06 December 2011; doi:10.1038/sc.2011.150
A longitudinal study of depression in survivors of spinal cord injury FREE
L L Saunders, J S Krause and K L Focht
Spinal Cord 50: 72-77; Published online, 02 August 2011; doi:10.1038/sc.2011.83
Incidence and predictors of contracture after spinal cord injury—a prospective cohort study FREE
J Diong, L A Harvey, L K Kwah, J Eyles, M J Ling, M Ben and R D Herbert
Spinal Cord 50: 579-584; Published online, 27 March 2012; doi:10.1038/sc.2012.25
The global map for traumatic spinal cord injury epidemiology: update 2011, global incidence rate Open
B B Lee, R A Cripps, M Fitzharris and P C Wing
Spinal Cord 52: 110-116; Published online, 26 February 2013; doi:10.1038/sc.2012.158
Burden of spinal cord injury-related neuropathic pain in the United States: retrospective chart review and cross-sectional survey Open
R Mann, C Schaefer, A Sadosky, F Bergstrom, R Baik, B Parsons, S Nalamachu, B R Stacey, M Tuchman, A Anschel and E C Nieshoff
Spinal Cord 51: 564-570; Published online, 16 April 2013; doi:10.1038/sc.2013.34
High incidence of traumatic spinal cord injury in Estonia FREE
L Sabre, G Pedai, T Rekand, T Asser, Ü Linnamägi and J Kõrv
Spinal Cord 50: 755-759; Published online, 08 May 2012; doi:10.1038/sc.2012.54