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The use of light to manipulate electronic states of matter has been a subject of intense investigation since almost two centuries, starting from Becquerel’s 1839 discovery of the photovoltaic effect, and marking pioneering breakthroughs in our understanding of the quantum nature of light and matter, with Einstein’s 1905 theory of the photoelectric effect. However, it is only with the advent of lasers and nonlinear optics that this field experienced a distinctive shift, with the possibility to induce novel light-matter quasiparticle states such as polaritons, or to drive out-of-equilibrium phenomena on time scales of the order of electron dynamics in condensed matter systems. Recent examples of the progress made along this route include the realization of exciton-polariton condensates in optical microcavities; the development of topological nanophotonics, structured light, and Floquet engineering of quantum materials; the use of ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy to drive non-equilibrium phase transitions and induce correlated electronic states such as high-temperature superconductivity; the advance in experimental characterization of electron and lattice dynamics in materials by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy, femtosecond laser pulses, higher-harmonic generation, and ultrafast electron diffraction.
This Collection brings together the latest advances in the use of nonlinear optical phenomena to induce, manipulate, and probe non-equilibrium states of matter.
We welcome the submission of any original research Article, Review, or Perspective related to light-induced or light-controlled states of matter. All submissions will be subject to the same review process and editorial standards as regular Communications Materials Articles.
Department of Applied Physics, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2), BIST and CSIC, Spain
Polariton chemistry, namely the coupling of molecular vibrations to quantized radiation modes inside an optical microcavity, offers a promising strategy to modify chemical reactivities. Here, the authors provide a comprehensive theory of how vibrational strong coupling modifies chemical reaction rates in different cavity regimes.
The electronic features of graphene/silicon carbide have been well studied experimentally but theoretical investigations are still preliminary. Here, many-body perturbation theory reveals the electronic and optical characteristics of this interface and shows its advantages for optoelectronics.
The Dicke model, describing the cooperative coupling of an ensemble of two-level atoms with a single-mode light field, has a rich phenomenology in quantum optics and quantum information, but its analytical or numerical solution is beyond current reach. Here, a solid-state quantum simulator of an extended Dicke model is achieved using ErFeO3 crystals, where terahertz spectroscopy and magnetocaloric effect measurements reveal an atomically ordered phase in addition to the expected superradiant and normal phases.
Rydberg excitons in cuprous oxide feature giant optical nonlinearities that may be exploited in quantum applications if suitably confined. Here, the authors show how exciton confinement can be realised by focused-ion-beam etching of Cu2O crystals without noticeable degradation of excitonic properties.
Memory structures are key components of any functional computing device, but achieving persistent storage of information in the form of light is extremely difficult. Here, the authors demonstrate the sequential formation of multiple memory pathways in photochromic crystals via optical near-field interactions.
Cavity polariton condensates are promising for room temperature quantum technologies, but realizing polaritonic qubit states remains challenging. Here, polarization superposition of polariton states and laser-induced polarization switching are observed in a perovskite microcavity at room temperature, suggesting a coupling between orthogonally polarized states that could enable polaritonic qubits.