
Molecular determinants of intracellular infection

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Intracellular parasites and bacteria deploy an array of molecular tactics to invade host cells. Once inside, these pathogens subvert and co-opt host resources for survival and reproduction. Stealthy disguises help pathogens evade the immune response, and effector molecules enable a safe refuge for them to thrive. Equally, host cells defend, eliciting an arms race and intriguing battle involving a complex interplay of pathogen-host factors that shape the outcome of an infection. Unravelling such molecular determinants of intracellular infection promises a roadmap for developing novel therapeutics while illuminating the remarkable adaptability of life and the struggle for dominance at the tiniest scales.

For this Collection, we welcome any submissions focusing on pathogen-host biology and involving intracellular bacteria and parasites. Original research Articles characterising and validating molecular factors essential for pathogen growth in vitro and in vivo are welcome. In addition, we will also consider Reviews, Perspectives and Comments covering these topics. All submissions will be processed as regular Communications Biology Articles.

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Colour-rendered Scanning Electron Micrograph of T. gondii Tachyzoites Egressing from Human Host Cells.

