
Focus on Pediatrics

Genetics in Medicine has published articles that impact the care of pediatric patients and are highly relevant to those involved or interested in pediatric and child health research. Our knowledge of the underlying genetic basis of many developmental and pediatric disorders has expanded greatly with widespread and growing application of genomic analysis.

Research into the causes and treatments of a wide variety of conditions affecting children, as well as the diagnosis and care of children with such disorders is now greatly influenced by the results of genomic analysis. Genetics in Medicine strives to be the “go-to” journal for matters that lie at the intersection of Genetics/Genomics and Pediatrics. These articles in Genetics in Medicine demonstrate the breadth of pediatric conditions that are informed by genomic analysis, including but not limited to, for example, short stature, dwarfism, newborn screening, abnormalities of sexual development, neurodevelopmental disorders, inherited metabolic diseases, and diabetes.
