
Through the Blood, Sweat and Years

We know the hard work that goes into a PhD and starting your research career and we’re here to support you. Nature Research has a wealth of information that can help, and we’ve collected some of it for you here.

We understand the passion and hard work that goes into your PhD and starting your research career – and we’re here to support you all the way.

We understand because many of us have been there too and know all about the late nights, balancing paid work with study, the excitement of finding a first job and taking your first steps in a research career.

We want to help. Nature Research has a wealth of information that can make your studies easier, and support you as you begin your career. We’ve pulled together some of that information for you in this collection, along with sharing the experiences of some of our Editors, whose careers began in academic research.

Your PhD

Our global surveys of graduate students reveal that alongside the many rewards of completing a PhD, there are often widespread frustrations with mentorship and training, high workloads, and its impact on wellbeing and mental health. Our community of PhD students past and present regularly share advice on how to navigate the path, and we’ve collected some of our favourites on this page. You can view even more of our resources for PhD students here.

Your first job

The transition from PhD student to postdoctoral researcher can be a challenge. The economic fallout from COVID-19 is widely predicted to create even greater career uncertainty across academia alongside well-documented struggles to win grants, write papers, and develop new skills. We continue to work to provide up-to-date and practical information to support you, and have collated some of the experience shared by our global community.  You can also view our Collections on Lab Life and Getting Published.

Scientist first, Editor second

Our Editors are passionate advocates for their fields, dedicated to working with authors and reviewers to find and publish research with significance. Nature Research Editors know what to look for when reading submissions, and supporting authors through to publication. They are also scientists. We asked a few of our colleagues to tell us more about their careers before publishing and how their experiences shape what they do now. Read their stories on the homepage.

Your research

From our broad open-access journals Nature Communications and Scientific Reports to Nature and our subject-specific journals, including Nature Genetics and Nature Physics, there is a home for your research within our family of journals. We’ll be there waiting when you are ready with your first paper.

Your career

We offer training and support on everything from finding your dream job and building your confidence to learning more about peer review, collaboration, and preparing your paper for submission. We’ve listed just some of the ways Nature Research can support you through our services – you’ll find everything here on

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