
Mixed research methods in the training of social sciences teachers

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Teacher training is an issue of current interest at an international level. Analysis of trainee teachers’ knowledge is considered crucial in being able to direct their initial training programmes. Empirical findings reported in recent years have provided detailed information on how the learning opportunities presented in training programmes have a notable correlation with the knowledge and skills of teachers at the end of their training.

The objective of this article Collection is to bring together new research exploring the Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) of teachers in training through mixed research methods. Due to the complex nature of PCK it is necessary to use research methods that combine different techniques and procedures.

Faced with an extensive literature of concrete case studies and large-scale research, the aim of this research article Collection is to show the potential of combining both approaches.

Research papers are welcomed that employ questionnaires, systematic observation scales and other instruments for collecting quantitative information, with interviews, narratives, focus groups or discussion groups. The objective of this combination of research methods should be to understand the PCK of teachers in training for the teaching of Geography, History and other social sciences. This includes knowledge for teaching, social representations of knowledge, and the most appropriate methods, techniques and resources to teach these subjects in the classroom setting.

We also welcome papers using combined approaches arising from teams of two or more theoreticians and practitioners belonging to different disciplines. Sociologists, anthropologists, education specialists, literary scholars, psychologists, political scientists, as well as scholars from other disciplines interested are invited to contribute.

Specifically, we welcome research papers that explore the following themes, among others:

  • The use of mixed research methods in teacher training;
  • Didactic transposition and knowledge for teaching in Geography, History and other social sciences;
  • Teachers’ perceptions and opinions on the most appropriate methods, strategies and techniques for teaching Geography, History and other social sciences;
  • National narratives and school knowledge of teachers in social science training;
  • The role of emerging technologies (e.g., apps, augmented reality, etc) in teacher training;
  • Research on the effectiveness of training programs to improve the PCK of teachers undergoing training;
  • Relationships between training programs and teaching practices in the classrooms of social science teachers.
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