
The 1000 Genomes Project

From One Genome to 1000 and Beyond in 25 years

We celebrate the 25th anniversary of the launch of the Human Genome Project (HGP) with recognition for human genomics resources, from one genome to over one thousand genomes and beyond.

The 1000 Genomes Project began in 2007 with the goal of developing a comprehensive resource of human genetic variation across worldwide populations. Eight years later, we publish in this issue the final phase reports from this project, representing the most comprehensive assessment of human genetic variation across global populations to date.  The already established datasets have, since their launch, provided a foundational open resource that has enabled a wealth of robust genetic associations to disease as well as many key insights into population history and evolution.

The final phase 1000 Genomes Project publications represent not only the completion of this project, but also the culmination of a series of international collaborations stemming from the HGP, including the International HapMap Project, all focused on establishing open reference catalogues of genetic variation as a resource to the community.

We are pleased to present this Nature Collection of all the primary publications and related news and commentary on the International HapMap and 1000 Genomes Projects. 

- Orli Bahcall, Senior Editor, Nature



Podcast on completion of 1000 Genomes Project with Gil McVean and NHGRI Director Eric Green. What has been achieved in the twenty-five years since the start of the Human Genome Project.