
Topical Collection on Ecovillages and other Community-led Initiatives as Experiences of Climate Action

Climate Action invites submission of papers for the topical collection on Ecovillages and other Community-led Initiatives as experiences of climate action.

Extended abstract deadline: 30.11.2022
Full paper submission deadline: 28.02.2023

We look for papers about ecovillages as pragmatic examples of bottom up initiatives for climate action all over the world.

All papers will be published fully Open Access in npj Climate Action.

The focus of this topical collection is on community-led experiences of (trans)local climate action that address local, regional and global issues. It includes all grassroots initiatives that seek to create and diffuse sustainable lifestyles and appropriate regenerative technologies. This topical collection will compile the most recent research on ecovillages and other community-led initiatives in different areas of knowledge and in different contexts, from the Global North and South. The goal is to reflect on the potential of community-led initiatives for transformative climate action.

The editorial for this topical collection can be found at this link: Ecovillages and other community-led initiatives as experiences of climate action | npj Climate Action (

The submissions are now open. We expect an extended abstract until the 30.11.2022 and the final paper submission on 28.02.2022

Climate Action offers APC waivers. Find more about your opportunities here.


Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit Research Articles, Review Articles, Perspective Articles or Case Studies. Interested authors must consult the journal’s guidelines for manuscript submissions here. All submitted articles will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis. Final decision regarding acceptance/revision/rejection will be based on the reviews received from the reviewers and at the sole discretion of the Editor-in-Chief.

For any pre-submission questions concerning the focus and scope of the Ecovillages Special Collection, please contact:

Dr. Anne-Kathrin Schwab, University of Vechta
Dr. Rebeca Roysen, University of Basel

For any other question concerning your submission please contact the journal.


  • Rebeca Roysen

    Center for Religion, Economy and Politics, University of Basel, Switzerland

  • Anne-Kathrin Schwab

    Department of the Economy of Sustainability, University of Vechta, Germany

The Collection will publish original research papers, and articles in various formats (full details on content types can be found here). Papers will be published in npj Climate Action as soon as they are accepted and then collected together and promoted on the Collection homepage. All Collections are associated with a call for papers and are managed by one or more journal editors and/or Guest Editors.

This Collection welcomes submissions from all authors – and not by invitation only – on the condition that the manuscripts fall within the scope of the Collection and of npj Climate Action more generally. All submissions  are subject to the same peer review process and editorial standards as regular npj Climate Action articles, including the journal’s policy on competing interests. The Editors declare no competing interests with the submissions which they have handled through the peer review process. The peer review of any submissions for which the Editors have competing interests is handled by another Editor who has no competing interests. For more information, refer to our Collections guidelines.

This Collection is not supported by sponsorship.