
Waves from the Big Bang

The detection of gravitational waves in the afterglow of the Big Bang — if confirmed — opens a new chapter in astronomy, cosmology and physics. The signature, seen by the BICEP2 radio telescope at the South Pole, packs at least three discoveries into one: It provides the most direct evidence for the existence of the waves predicted by Einstein; it is the proof of ‘cosmic inflation’ that physicists had been eagerly awaiting; and it opens a window into the unification of the fundamental forces of nature and into quantum gravity. In this special collection, Nature News has the most comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of the breakthrough and its aftermath.

The beginning of everything

Explore the brave new world of gravitational-wave astronomy. Nature (17 March 2014)

Nature Podcast: Newschat

Why physicists were so giddy about the sighting of hints of gravitational waves. Nature (19 March 2014)

Nature Podcast: Relativity revival

Cosmologist Pedro Ferreira reveals what the theory has taught us so far, and what it still has to offer. Nature (10 February 2014)