
Practice-based research of interdisciplinary higher education

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Practice-based Research of Interdisciplinary Higher Education is a collection that aims at building a community and building capacity around the study of interdisciplinary teaching and learning at universities and colleges around the world. The higher-education landscape is changing toward increasingly societally engaged models that re-position disciplinary silos. This change generates questions about ‘what works’ in interdisciplinary higher education and about the operationalization and implementation of the values behind this educational change. Research of interdisciplinary higher teaching and learning is currently being presented at conferences aimed specifically at exchange about practicalities and best practices, and the research also finds its way to conference proceedings in more general fields interested in the study of university and college education, liberal education, academic writing, team science, and so on. The literature about interdisciplinary higher education is currently scattered and research gaps are hard to identify, define, and defend.

So, there is a need for improving publication possibilities for practice-based projects using interdisciplinary teaching and learning as input for research and, vice versa, using research to improve interdisciplinary teaching and learning. This collection responds to this niche interest whilst explicitly striving toward maintaining the plurality of research approaches responding to the challenges of interdisciplinary higher education. Topics that will be considered include:

  • Conceptual Approaches of Multi-, Inter- and Transdisciplinary Higher Education
  • Integrative Teaching and Learning in Theory and Practice
  • Differences and Commonalities between Interdisciplinary Higher Education and Challenge-Based Learning, Community-Engaged Learning, Practice-Based Learning, etc.
  • Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning and the Sustainable Development Goals
  • Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning and the Inner Development Goals
  • Recognition and Reward of Interdisciplinarians at Universities and Colleges
  • Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning as Transformational Process
  • Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in Interdisciplinary Higher Education
  • Co-creating Interdisciplinary Higher Education with Students
  • Educational Tools for On-site, Hybrid, and Online Interdisciplinary Higher Education
  • Assessment of Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning
  • Teacher Competences for Interdisciplinary Teaching
  • Governance of Interdisciplinary Programmes at Universities and Colleges
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Submission guidelines
Manuscript editing services
Engaged students lead a discussion on an assignment.

