Retraction to: British Journal of Cancer (2005) 93, 1029–1037. doi:10.1038/sj.bjc.6602837

An Internal Review Committee at UT Southwestern Medical Center found evidence of improper manipulation and replication of figures in this paper. A subsequent review by Dr Gazdar and his staff has independently confirmed the Committee’s findings.

In this paper, the GAPDH loading controls, specifically Figures 1A and B (p. 1030), appear to be identical to Figures 1A and B published in a subsequent paper (Suzuki et al, 2007). The authors have therefore recommended the retraction of the manuscript to the Editor-in-Chief of British Journal of Cancer.

Dr Suzuki, Dr Gazdar and their co-authors sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused the readers of the British Journal of Cancer.