Scientific Reports 4, Article number: 5228 (2014); Published: 24 June 2014; Updated: 19 September 2014

The original version of this Article contained typographical errors in the Abstract and Methods sections.

In the Abstract: “Further, we show that hiPSCs cultured with CCL2 can differentiate at a higher efficiency than culturing with just bFGF and we show CCL2 can be used in feeder-free conditions in the absence of LIF” should read “Further, we show that hiPSCs cultured with CCL2 can differentiate at a higher efficiency than culturing with just bFGF and we show CCL2 can be used in feeder-free conditions”

In the Methods section under Differentiation of hiPSCs: “For EB formation, FGF_iPSC cells were harvested by treating with 1 mg/ml collagenase IV for one hour” should read “For EB formation, 'FGF_iPSCs and CCL2_iPSCs were harvested after treating with Y27632 (10 uM) for one hour”

These have now been corrected in the HTML and PDF versions of this Article.