
Björkman L, Sjursen TT et al. Acta Odontol Scand 2017; 75: 208–219

And there was only a reduction in six of the 23 general health complaints; and these included decreased salivation/mucus, less fatigue and improved concentration. Apart from self-reported general health complaints, other outcome measures were changes in life satisfaction and personality variables. This study was carried out with 20 patients. There was no difference in life satisfaction (Cantril Ladder of Life Scale) over the 5-year period. Nor was there a change in the subjects' psychological state (for example depression, hypochondriasis and addiction potential). This was measured using the 567-item Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2) that incorporates 'lie' scales making it very difficult to fake results. As with other studies, there was an increase in health complaints immediately following amalgam removal. There was no control group. Therefore it was not possible to ascribe this small associated improvement in symptoms to the intervention.