
Michaelson PL. J Endod 2015; 41: 130–134

A tooth that has been root treated should receive a restoration incorporating cuspal coverage and, it is suggested, a ferrule. A recent high quality paper (J Dent Res 2014; 93(7 suppl): 52S–58S) was not cited; it reported residual coronal tooth structure (including the ferrule characteristic) 'did not significantly influence the failure risk' when restoring endodontically treated premolars. In this clinical report, the treatment of three patients is described, all of whom experienced symptoms after root canal therapy. Of note, it appeared on radiographic examination that, all these root treated teeth had received cuspal coverage restorations. Resolution of symptoms was achieved by surgical removal of the fractured portion of the root, sealing of the exposed previously obturated root canal with MTA and then restoring the fractured root with resin composite. Two patients, received topical application of minocycline with remarkable reductions in probing depth measurements and absence of bleeding on probing.