
Al-Najjim A, Sen P. Fac ulty Dent J 2014; 5: 14–17

The blanche test ('blanching of the papilla when the upper lip is pulled', with possible pain), a persistent diastema and associated prominent frenum after canine tooth eruption, when oral home care is compromised by the frenum, sub-optimal dental aesthetics and even hurtful teasing have been trotted out by generations of dental students as indications for frenectomy. In this audit of 41 patients who received upper labial frenectomies at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital over a five year period: 1) 73% of patients were aged between 12–16 years, 2) 81% were female, 3) 59% received frenectomies for orthodontic reasons, and 4) one quarter for aesthetic reasons. No outcomes were given. There would appear to be little evidence for, but then there is no evidence against a frenectomy.