P. S. Casamassimo, H. W. Fields. D. J. McTigue, A. J. Nowak. Elsevier price £75.99; pp 648 ISBN


This is the fifth publication of an up to date textbook on paediatric dentistry. By virtue of its preeminent contributors, a broad range of subjects are covered. It is a comprehensive version, consisting of 648 pages with 520 high quality colour photographs and many informative tables, all of which are easy to consider and understand. The aim of the book is to become a discerning reference for paediatric dentistry. Initially, the book is comprised of 11 chapters on fundamental paediatric dentistry. It is then organised in a unique age specific criteria discussing all aspects of paediatric dentistry from infancy through to adolescence. Each age specific section covers the physical, cognitive, emotional and social changes that children experience, along with the epidemiology of dental disease at that age.

Overall, the book is comprised of five parts with 40 chapters discussing the examination, treatment planning, radiographic concerns, prevention, trauma, restorative dentistry, pulp therapy, orthodontics and behavioural management for each age range.

The publication endeavours to use behavioural management to highlight how to deliver appropriate dentistry to all age groups. This is particularly good for infants and age groups from 6-12 but a little less accomplished for adolescents. This will encourage practitioners to refresh their knowledge and technique.

Despite the book's positive qualities there are some notable problems because the book relates to American criteria and guidelines. References are from mainly American or Israeli journals. Significantly, at risk children receives only one minor paragraph with no help or advice for the British practitioner. Medical emergencies and sedation use American guidelines and the issue of consent refers to 'different state laws' with no reference to Gillick competency. Interestingly, there is virtually no mention of acid erosion (its aetiology or treatment), highlighting the divide which exists between ourselves and America. Additionally, although this book is comprehensive in some areas, such as the section on soft tissue lesions, it does lack depth in others, for instance, the treatment of ectopic canines. Overall, this is an accomplished reference book that can be used to improve your knowledge on this subject. It covers all crucial aspects of paediatric dentistry and I am certain that there will be something for everybody in this book.